
  • 产品名称:德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR

  • 产品型号:
  • 产品厂商:布鲁克(BRUKER)
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德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR是德国布鲁克推出用于石化行业的高性能多元素台式EDXRF分析仪。上海铸金分析仪器有限公司本网站简单介绍了德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR,希望对您了解本产品有所帮助。如您欲了解德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR更多信息,可联系上海铸金。

德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR

德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR产品简介:

布鲁克S2 POLAR是一种基于*化能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)的新型多元素台式分析仪。S2 POLAR为石化行业的质量控制提供了出色的分析精度,这种精度通常只有更昂贵的波长色散X射线荧光(WDXRF)仪器才能实现。

德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR分析汽油、煤油和柴油中的*低硫(ULS)含量,能达到亚ppm范围内的检测限,其性能*过了各种**规范和规定,使得S2 POLAR也适合未来的要求。S2 POLAR具有同时测量多种元素的能力,包括用于防腐剂中的氯和残留物堆积的磷,非常适合炼油厂、管道、油码头和汽油的下游供应链站的分析需求。值得注意的是,S2 POLAR将多个单元素分析仪的性能结合在一台功能强大的台式仪器中。

对S2 POLAR高精度的需要的另一种应用是在石油制造商和油混合器中,其中润滑油中的添加剂的测量(如镁、钙、锌和钼)对于有效使用添加剂和降低生产成本非常重要。

德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR可为所有相关的ASTM、DIN、IP、JIS和ISO规范提供合规分析。布鲁克的多语言TouchControl?界面和ASTM标准D7220、D4294、D6481和D7751的工厂校准应用程序包,提供了“即插即用”的简单操作。其SampleCare?组件?;ぶС忠瞧鞒な奔湔T诵泻透呶榷ㄐ浴?/span>

德国布鲁克台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪S2 POLAR技术参数:


S2 POLAR - Technical Details

S2 POLAR Refinery Analyzer




Elemental analysis in refineries e.g. sulfur analysis of 

gasoline, diesel


kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil

naphtha, residual oil to crude

Further elements on request (e. g. P, Cl, Fe, Ni, V)

All refinery applications on one unit


ASTM D7220-17: Sulfur in automotive, heating, and jet fuels from 3 ppm to 942 ppm
ASTM D4294-16: Sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products from 16 ppm to 5 %
Ready-to-analyze solutions* for ASTM D7220 and D4294 including blanks, set of standards, QC and DC samples
Fulfills ISO 13032, 20847, 8754, IP 336, 496, 532, 
and JIS K 2541-4

Norm-compliant sulfur analysis, internationally accepted, including ultra-low sulfur (ULS) applications


Dedicated, optional pre-installed push button methods to fit for purpose

Detection Limit (LLD)

0.7 ppm S at 300 s measurement time

Precise and accurate S measurements, including ultra-low sulfur (ULS). Enables thesh-hold relevant process control at all steps in refineries

Measurement Range

3 ppm to 5 % S, combined in one calibration with automated line switch 
Higher concentrations on request

One calibration with wide concentration range

S2 POLAR Oil Analyzer




Elemental analysis of additives in oils and polymers

Elemental analysis optimized for petrochemical products


ASTM D6481-14: P, S, Ca, Zn,
ASTM D7751-16: Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca, Zn, Mo
Ready-to-analyze solutions* for ASTM D6481 and D7751 including blanks, 
set of standards, QC and DC samples
Further elements and norms on request

Norm-compliant analysis, internationally accepted

Dedicated, optional pre-installed push button methods to fit for purpose

S2 POLAR Refinery & Oil Analyzer



Atmosphere Modes

Helium mode 
Vacuum mode

Optimal light element analysis of liquids 
Low cost of operation

Sample Preparation

Liquid cups, SampleCare cups, Prolene and Mylar® foils, pipettes, balance

Accessories ensure high throughput of liquid samples. Low-cost per sample due to standardized liquid cups

Further Options

Emergency Machine Off (EMO)
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) 
Sample rotation


Compliant with safety requirements 
Enables removing of liquid samples 
Enhanced precision for inhomogenous samples, such as polymer pucks

X-ray Tube

50 W, high-power X-ray tube, max. voltage 50 kV, with polarizing HighSense? beam path 

Optionally: 30 kV max.

Max. power for short measurement times and high sample throughput, beam path optimized for petrochemical materials 
Simplify regulatory efforts (e.g. Austria, France, Italy, Taiwan)


HighSense? ULS Silicon Drift Detector

Highest count rates for fast analysis, low LLD


Integrated 12.1‘‘ TFT touchscreen, multilingual user interface: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese

IslandMode? without external PC 
Intuitive and easy-to-use, in your own language


Ethernet port RJ45, 3x USB ports for mouse, keyboard, and printer; HDMI/VGA ports for external display, remote access via TCP/IP

IslandMode? but not isolated, various options for printing and network data transfer, even fully remotely

Power Supply

100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, max. 600 VA

Standard wall plug

Dimensions; width x depth x height, weight

46.6 x 74.5 x 37.0 cm, 55 kg
18.3’’ x 29.3’’ x 14.6’’, 121 lbs

Small and compact for installations with limited space, e.g. for on-site process control in refineries


DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, 2006/42/EC (CE-certified Machinery directive), 2014/35/EC (Electrical equipment), 2014/30/EC (Electromagnetic Compatibility),
German Type Approval and Vollschutz according to BfS R?V pending,
Fully radiation-protected system; radiation <1 μSv/h (H*), Compliant to ICRP, IAEA, EURATOM

* Optional packages
Mylar® is a trademark of DuPont Nemours Inc. 
HighSense?, IslandMode?, SampleCare?, TouchControl? are trademarks of Bruker AXS.




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